StonePeak & The Environment
Nature is the source of inspiration for our work and is the sole provider of all material we use in our manufacturing cycle.Therefore respecting and protecting nature is a vital part of our philosophy. Or, rather, it is a necessity, because by respecting and protecting nature, we respect and protect ourselves. In StonePeak’s state-of-the-art production facility in Crossville, Tennessee, we produce sustainable, green, environmentally friendly porcelain tile with a process that reduces, reuses and recycles. This is the best way we know to express our thankfulness to our Planet.
“Global warming potential and fossil fuel depletion throughout the full life cycle of a product are key metrics in characterizing carbon footprint. Not only does the North American industry-wide EPD for ceramic tile evidence a generally low carbon footprint, it also shows ceramic tile to have the lowest overall impacts in photochemical oxidant creation (smog), ozone depletion, acidification, and eutrophication potential when compared to publicly available EPDs for competitive flooring materials,” said Bill Griese, TCNA’s Director of Standards Development and Sustainability Initiatives. “Ceramic tile is the proven green choice for the good of the environment.”

StonePeak’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility employs environmentally friendly practices throughout its production process, and the company’s commitment to sustainability resonates through its products.
• Regionally-sourced, raw and 100% natural materials
• Recycled content and waste reclamation
(nearly closed-loop process)
• Lower energy needs
• Antipollution devices
• Eco-friendly maintenance
StonePeak products are made from natural ingredients and are free from harmful chemicals, resulting in environmentally responsible, healthy materials.
• 100% natural materials
• Best air quality (zero VOCs)
• Hypoallergenic
• Easy to clean
• Fire resistant
• Best life cycle/cost value
• Indoor/outdoor use, even in extreme climates
Constantly evaluating its environmental footprint and looking for technological advancements to improve sustainability, StonePeak continues to create a higher environmental standard.
• Production standards exceed the minimum standards
required by law, including smoke depurators and
water purifiers
• Commitment to realize a zero-impact manufacturing process
• Safe work environment for frontline workers
• Support of organizations that raise awareness of
environmental issues